April 17, 2014

Our Adventure to Vance Creek Viaduct, Washington, USA

Pretty much everyone I follow on Instagram has been to this bridge. To me it seemed like a magical adventure, and I thought, "one day I'll visit and discover why it's so cool!" That day finally came! On a day that Zach and I were supposed to be packing... whoops. But I don't regret seizing the glorious sunshine filled Monday and exploring the pacific northwest with my honey!
We couldn't find it for the longest time! There are no signs to it so basically we were driving around the Olympic National Forest until we happened upon a shoulder where a bunch of cars were parked. We decided we might as well see what all the fuss was about, followed a trail not knowing where it led, and ended up at the exact bridge we'd been searching for!
The old, rotting Vance Creek Bridge is a terrifying 106 meters above the ground, the second highest railway arch bridge in the US. There are parts where some of the beams are missing, so if you're really good at walking, maybe you could cross those sections! I don't trust my feet that high up, so I was full of nopes when I approached them. We carefully, and full of secret fear, walked to the middle of the bridge and I suggested lying down with our heads over the edge and snapping a selfie. However, when the time came for me to crouch and get into a prostrate position, I forgot how to bend my legs and my whole body froze! It took some coaxing and reassuring from Zach (who was also apparently scared out of his wits) to get me to finally lie down! But our heads were still about 2 feet in from the edge haha. I never really thought I was afraid of heights! Yet being on this decrepit bridge, with absolutely no safety precautions, was a little frightening. I would still do it again and again though!
The other bridge pictured is the High Steel Bridge. It's definitely safer, although it's incredibly scary when huge logging trucks drive on it and the entire thing shakes.

I am by no means a videographer, but I put together some snippets of our adventure. Forgive my inexperience, & creepy face at the end! [song: Elevate by St. Lucia]

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