August 26, 2014

Over the weekend we celebrated our third anniversary! I simultaneously can't believe it's been three years, and can't believe it's only been three years. I often feel as though we've been together for-like-ever, and imagining life without him by my side is nigh impossible.

Dear Zach,
I love you because...
  • you always check for eggnog for me at the store, even when you know they don't have it
  • even if we go to bed grumpy with each other, we always seem to cuddle in the night and wake up not-grumpy :)
  • you're a good daddy to our kitties
  • you sat on the cold bathroom floor with me and held me through all the morning sickness
  • you know me so well
"zach, i'm going to play a song for you & you might be surprised.
the artist kind of goes against everything i stand for.
but i only like this song and that's it."
"is it by kanye?"
"yes how did you know?!"
  • you're perfectly content with sitting in bed with me and just reading; we're so old & married ;)
  • you're so excited to be a dad, and it's pretty much the sweetest thing I've ever seen
Thank you for not giving up on me those months when I allegedly turned you down for bowling every week. And thanks for making every day since we finally dated the best day ever. I can't wait to spend a bazillion more with you throughout the eternities to come :)
Love you forever,

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