September 8, 2014

To celebrate three fantastic years of marriage we decided to go camping! I was bursting with excitment beforehand and couldn't resist telling anyone and everyone, and there were quite a few people who thought it was weird that I was going camping for my anniversary!
What, being all dirty and sweaty doesn't turn you on??
Hahah well we had a BLAST
We settled on a campground near the Staircase trailhead, which is right next to the gorgeous Lake Cushman. Exploring the outdoors has always been one of my favorite activities since I was little, and being able to spend the weekend doing just that, with no electronic distractions, was pure bliss.
We didn't get to spend quite as long out there as we'd have liked, due to my pregnant body deciding it couldn't handle packing and traveling after work on Saturday, so instead I passed out.
So although we only spent one night in a tent instead of two, it was still super duper fun.
And here are a million pictures!

We so exciited- he was excited too, but just didn't realize I was taking a picture at the moment.
I made us an awesome 80s/90s playlist for the drive, so we were rocking out to The Final Countdown, Backstreet Boys, and Sublime and it was GREAT.

Our little home for the weekend :)

Bump on a log! That water is oh so deceptively deep, and oh so cold.

He's the cutest!

Freaking bomb-A salmon foil dinner. I think we seriously ate better while camping than we do normally. #fail

We like to play this game where I'll strike a pose in an outfit and ask, "fat or pregnant?". I think it's safe to say that this photo would probably rank under 'fat' hahah. My prenatal cradle just does all sorts of funky things!

Fat or pregnant?!?

If you're ever in the Pacific Northwest I highly recommend venturing out onto the Olympic Peninsula and stopping at Lake Cushman/Staircase. It's just so darn beautiful, peaceful, and fun to explore!
Here's to many many more years adventuring


  1. Okay you guys are the cutest! And Haleigh, you are so beautiful it almost makes me want to get pregnant. Let's go camping together please

    1. Awe thanks Heather!! You're the sweetest. And you should get pregnant so our babes can be buddies! Hahah
      Yes please! We should go to Zion's/Moab!!

  2. Hi! Just stumbled across your blog from the Freckled Fox... It looks like you both had so much fun on this camping trip. My husband and I don't spend enough time outdoors, but we really want to! :) We are going to Seattle for the first time in October! We're soooo excited! Do you have any tips or recommendations (besides this of course!)? We would love recommendations from someone who knows the area! Stop by my blog (link below) or shoot me an email! Excited to keep up with your blog! XO -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

    1. Hello! We did indeed, and we don't get a chance to spend much time outdoors either! It's definitely a challenge sometimes.
      Ahh yay that's exciting! Seattle is such a fun place! Hopefully the weather will be nice for ya- it gets tricky in October.

      I will most definitely shoot you an email with some recommendations- my internet is currently down at home (I'm typing this via phone!) which is such a pain! But hopefully it'll be back up again soon!

      By the way your blog is so cute- excited to follow along! :)


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